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Updated: Jan 5, 2021


Daniel Fisher MD, Ph.D.

Dialogical Recovery Of a Life in the Community

Dan is a person who has recovered from schizophrenia. He was hospitalised several times prior to becoming a psychiatrist. He is one of the few psychiatrists in the country who publicly discusses his recovery from mental illness. He is a role model for others who are struggling to recover, and his life dispels the myth that people do not recover from mental illness. His recovery and work in the field were recognised by his selection as a member of the White House Commission on Mental Health.

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Seminar in Czech Republic

The seminar INTRODUCTION TO INDIVIDUAL PLANNING, accredited MPSV no. 2014/0268-PC / SP / VP / PP will introduce you to: 

How to plan the entire process of planning and evaluation.How to start, what to remember when the first contact. How to identify needs and desires, abilities and limitations.How to identify personal goals and the process of naming and defining common goals as a sub. How to build an individual plan, how to plan the steps.How to prepare for evaluation and reflection on the process and the individual steps. educational unit containing both theoretical and practical parts with an emphasis on context and testing of practical skills. Planting planning in the context of quality standards. 

Determination of the course is for all who are interested to try out individual planning for each other and gain invaluable experience on how to proceed in achieving personal goals, both in their work and in everyday life. Educational unit contains theoretical and practical parts with an emphasis on context and testing of practical skills. The seminar is based on the methodology of CARe (comprehensive psychosocial rehabilitation approach), which is used in the Czech Republic since 2002 (The seminar brochure is a brief guide psychosocial rehabilitation). 

8 lessons 

Price: 950 CZK (750 CZK a month in advance).

Fri, September 19, 9:00 AM GMT+2 Čechova 454/11Building of the Red CrossPhone:603431009Chekhov 454/11 sand , jihocesky 39701 Czech Republic+ Google Map website www.cjesta.cz Seminář ÚVOD DO INDIVIDUÁLNÍHO PLÁNOVÁNÍ,  akreditovaný MPSV č. 2014/0268-PC/SP/VP/PP vás seznámí:

 Jak naplánovat celý proces plánování a hodnocení. Jak začít, na co nezapomenout při prvním kontaktu.  Jak zjišťovat potřeby a přání, schopnosti a omezení,. Jak zjišťovat osobní cíle a proces jejich pojmenovávání a definování jako cílů obecných a dílčích.  Jak sestavit individuální plán, jak plánovat jednotlivé kroky. Jak se připravit na hodnocení a reflexi celého procesu i jednotlivých kroků.  Výukový celek obsahující teoretickou i praktickou část s důrazem na kontext a vyzkoušení si praktických dovedností. Zasazení plánování do kontextu standardů kvality.

Určení kurzu je pro všechny, co mají zájem si vyzkoušet individuální plánování na sobě a tím získat neocenitelnou zkušenost, jak postupovat při dosahování osobních cílů, jak ve své práci tak i v každodenním životě. Výukový celek obsahuje teoretickou i praktickou část s důrazem na kontext a vyzkoušení si praktických dovedností. Seminář vychází z metodiky CARe (ucelený přístup psychosociální rehabilitace), která je v ČR užívána od roku 2002. (Součástí semináře je brožura Stručný průvodce psychosociální rehabilitací).

8 vyučovacích hodin

Cena: 950 Kč (750 Kč měsíc předem).

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Updated: Dec 8, 2018




CARe Trainings in Croatia - Report shared by NGO Susret, Ada Stojanovic Babic, Kees van Rest, Dirk den Hollander

Report from a visit to Croatia, June 22 till June 29, 2014

Kees van Rest (Recovery Trainer) and Dirk den Hollander (CARe Trainer, CARe Model)

NGO Susret from Zagreb is a CARe Europe member organization and pioneer in providing community-based living and psycho-social support to people with mental health problems.  In Croatia, people with disabilities and mental health problems are mostly settled in institutions and isolated from the families and community life.

Being appointed as senior non-key expert for mentally ill adults on the big IPA project 'Support to social welfare sector for developing community social services 2012-2014' Ada Stojanovic Babic from Susret recognized the platform for promoting CARe in Croatia. The team of Susret employees hosted CARe trainers Dirk den Hollander and Kees van Rest this June in Croatia. Their trip to Osijek, Rijeka and Pula had aim to empower Croatian people accommodated in institutions for mentally ill to own their recovery process and share their stories. This week was a great example of partnership and collaboration between Susret and CARe Europe. The following report is a Personal impression of the trip by Kees van Rest and Dirk den Hollander

The schedule of the trip:

22.6. Arrival to Zagreb

23.-24.6. OSIJEK overnight stay in Osijek

26.-27.6. RIJEKA / PULA

28.6. ZAGREB

29.6. Departure to NL

We had 3 meetings, all in living facilities for clients with psychiatric disabilities. In all facilities there was a client who was the translator. We give a short description of our experiences. Read more

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