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Webinar - Working with experiential knowledge in mental health care

Updated: Jun 1, 2022

Working with experiential knowledge in mental health care

Tuesday 31th of May 15-17 pm Central European Time

Free webinar

Organised by the CARe Network in collaboration with EUCOMS.

What is the nature of experiential knowledge?

How to learn to harness lived experiences in your work as a mental health worker.

What is the additional value?

Tensions and challenges: how to integrate experiential knowledge in the mental health system.

Alie Weerman is a professor of mental health care and society, working at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands. She is a psychologist by background with lived experiences. She is a leading expert in the Netherlands on experiential knowledge.

Simona Karbouniaris is a social scientist currently conducting a doctoral study concerning the professional use of lived experiences by traditional mental health care workers in 3 large mental health organizations. She integrates her lived experiences in the research practice and has been guiding several peer consultation groups of mental health professionals with lived experiences (nurses, social workers, psychiatrists). Simona works at the Research Centre for Social Innovation of Utrecht University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands.

In the webinar mental health practitioners will share their experiences learning to work with personal experiences. A director of a mental health service will speak about how to integrate peer work and experiential knowledge of professionals in a recovery-based service organisation.

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