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Updated: Nov 15, 2022

Brief report and highlights


On 4th and 5th of October 2022, The CARe Academy organized specialized follow up Model CARe training to support CARe trainers, CARe coaches and auditors in their professional practice, to embrace the strengths of The CARe Network and keep good quality of Model CARe practice.

The training took place in the beautiful city of Split, Croatia, which offer a lot of opportunities to be inspired by lovely atmosphere and rich history of the city. We are very delighted, that we could welcome 35 experienced CARe traines, CARe coaches and auditors from 6 countries across the Europe and Asia.

On day 1 we have focused mainly on sharing experiences with the CARe Model trainings, dived into new developments in model CARe and explored and experience using different creative tools to support recovery in several workshops.

Jean-Pierre Wilken and Dirk den Hollander introduced new developments in the CARe Model, highlighted the importance of CARe principles, relationship building, experiential knowledge and working with the community.

Juraj Marendiak, Radmila Stojanovic Babic, Aster Tooma, Triin Vana and Jana Pluhaříková Pomajzlová created in very nice and creative atmosphere a “training tips and tricks market”. So many wonderful training tools were shared and experienced and, in the end, we had a wall full of ideas and proved training tools for practice. We will continue with this idea and already started to create with the trainers a practice toolbox for CARe trainings😊

Marlie van de Berg introduced the Yucel method and together with Jana Pluhaříková Pomajzlová lead the online Yucel method workshop “building on recovery”. We were very happy that Marlie could participate and bring new inspiration to support recovery.

Dirk den Hollander and Michal Kašpar lead the workshop “Using the art of music and theatre for an expression of recovery journey”, empowering, personal deep experience guided by lyrics, personal recovery songs and creating lived sculptures.

Juraj Marendiak and Ludmila Horynová prepared in exterier of the venue wonderfull, sensitive and very personal workshop “Using the art and creativity for an expression of recovery journey”. The environment and used personal creative tools made the workshop very special. In the end of the workshop the artwork was introduced to all participants, very touching experience.

Aster Tooma introduced “Using dance and movement for an expression of recovery journey” and created together with the participants empowering, personal, expressive dance of CARe trainers, which we could not only see in the end of the workshop, but also dance and experience all together. Wonderfull closing of intensive first day.

Day 2 was dedicated mainly to the topic of The Model CARe implementation in different contexts and the importance of experiential knowledge, peer work and the support of family and loved ones.

Kadi Roosipu, Karin Hanga, Külli Mae and Triin Vana shared their experiences with the “Implementation CARe Model and ICF (International Classification of Functioning) in the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund's”. Such an extensive, systematic, and rich experience, very inspiring and many common topics for further elaboration were pointed out.

Ludmila Horynová, Juraj Marendiak and Jana Pluhaříková Pomajzlová introduced a painted river as a stream of the experiences with implementation of CARe model in The Czech Republic. Very special, personal and touching story about wonderfull joint cooperation and system change in the organization.

We have elaborated on the topic of implementation further in workshops and shared a lot of inspiration and practice. Many similarities and also important questions rised up.

In the afternoon Riina Järve-Tammiste brought very important topic in the workshop “Experiences from Recovery Learning Community Pool&looP, how to support families and friends”. She shared with us, how to use CARe to support recovery of families and we could touch a piece of her work in very personal deep exercise meeting our values and difficult times we are overcoming.

Zdeněk Císař and Jeannet Achterstraat prepared excellent workshop "Experiential knowledge and its importance in our practice and in our trainings – how we cooperate with peers in our trainings and implementation process". With personal, professional and peer expertise very special, important and touching workshop. It proved, that even though we are from different countries in recovery process we are closer than we might mean.

The CARe Academy will follow up the topics and highlited questions from all workshops in next year in the online workshops and webinars, thus it was so inspiring, that definitely we want to continue and to support CARe trainers, coaches and auditors as well as larger CARe Network community.

We would like to thank to Multimedijalni Kulturni Centar, Split, which kindly contributed to the realization of the training in its space. Many thanks also belong to the organizations Association for psychosocial assistance SUSRET and Association for promoting mental health PHOENIX SPLIT, which brought a lot of personal initiative and effort and helped with the organization and coordination of practical issues connected with the training. The training would not happen without the sponsorship of The CARe Network, so many thanks belong also to the whole organizational team and the CARe Academy trainers’ team, who did tremendous work to prepare and hold the training.

In CARe we have one principle: “never do the things alone!” We could experience the wisdom of this quote within the preparations and training itself and we are very grateful for such a great, enthusiastic, initiative team of trainers, without teamwork and participation from all the training would never happen. It was proved again; how much important it is to create joint space to meet and share experiences and to support continual professional growth and development.

Special thanks belong to all CARe trainers, coaches and auditors, who participated in the training and create beautiful, inspirational, supportive atmosphere. Many of our CARe trainers were also invited to take active part in the program and held a presentation or a workshop. We are persuaded, that this was one of important factor which made the event so special and rich. Other factor which made the trainings so special was the creativity, openness, diversity, and richness of the experiences from different countries, willingness to participate and be involved, friendships, professional mutuality and personal interest in all what we did.

We could experience deep mutual connection and understanding, empowering, and energizing for all. We are proud we could hold such an event to support our colleagues across different countries and enable to share experiences and expertise from different fields of practice.

A lot of new inspiration raised up during the event and the CARe Academy trainers’ team already prepare an itinerary of follow up webinars for CARe trainers and practitioners on the topics which were defined as important.

So be ready and follow us on the social media to keep updated😊

Looking forward meeting you soon,

Jana Pluhaříková Pomajzlová

Head trainer CARe Academy

Feedback: What did you experience in the training?

“I made social, professional, and personal connections, share experiences and heard stories. I got wider picture what is going on in other countries which opens up perspective. Safe environment and clear boundaries make me feel good and provide space for work and connection. I feel that after each event my CARe social network is stronger. I like meaningful activities together and this event totally met my expectations."

“I feel as a member of a broader team. Sharing experience gave me more courage not only for training.”

"Meeting people I haven't seen for years in a warm and human atmosphere. The training brought me lots of ideas for my trainings. This was the best part. I felt safe to speak, safe to share, safe to make mistake. Connected to ensuring part, feeling safe enabled me to participate with more ease. I was involved more than I ever imagined to be and it was a really empowering experience. Thank you for that."

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