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Call for abstract EAOF conference

Updated: Feb 21, 2023


We are very happy to announce that the 6th Conference on Assertive Outreach (EAOF 2023) will take place in Leuven, Belgium from Wednesday 20 September until Friday 22 September 2023. The theme of this three-day international event in the beautiful city of Leuven is


Implementation of community mental health services: making it happen!


An international group of excellent speakers will provide examples of a state-of-the art of building up of community services in different countries. We choose this specific theme, since many of us struggle with the implementation of recovery-focused community mental health services, including collaboration between medical/psychiatric and social services as well as involving significant others in the treatment process. During the conference, in workshops and symposia you will be able to discuss these issues and processes needed to effectively (re)allocate resources in order to implement better mental health and social services for all. The presentations about implementing a public-health approach in deinstitutionalizing mental health care as well as implementation of community mental health services will be based on scientific evidence, professional knowledge and experience, as well as knowledge based on peer expertise. You are cordially invited to come to Belgium, where mental healthcare is being deinstitutionalized and community services are built up in high speed. The conference will take place in the beautiful city of Leuven, home of the KU Leuven (founded in 1425), and also home to several clinical innovative interventions for people with mental disorders.


Submit your abstract now!


The scientific committee of the 6th Conference on Assertive Outreach invites you to submit abstracts for an oral presentation, a poster presentation, a symposium and/or a workshop, focusing on a wide variety of topics:


► Deinstitutionalization ► Outpatient care ► Recovery ► Digital Psychiatry


► Child & Adolescent psychiatry in community care ► Forensic outpatient care ► Community care evaluation ► Prevention


► Mental health – nursing at home ► Psychological interventions in the outpatient setting ► Peer support ► Integrated care and Collaboration between mental health and other services ► Other related topics



Important deadlines


► 19 March 2023 - Deadline abstract submission ► 15 May 2023 - Notification of acceptance ► 5 June 2023 - Author registration deadline ► 18 June 2023 - Early bird registration deadline ► 20 - 22 September 2023 - EAOF 2023 Conference


Interested in receiving information about the EAOF 2023 conference? Please add your personal data to the mailing list by subscribing below.



We look forward to welcoming you in Leuven, Belgium in 2023! The EAOF 2023 Organising Committee

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