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Mykola Khomitskiy

Currently our main contact in Ukraine is Mykola Khomitskiy.​

Mykola Khomitskiy MD, Ph.D., Sc.D., Associate professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, General and Medical Psychology Narcology and Sexology, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University.

he is a psychiatrist with over 20 years of experience in treating psychotic patients. His scientific work is devoted to the issues of diagnosis, treatment and social rehabilitation of patients suffering from schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder.

Unfortunately, the war in Ukraine is still going on, causing a lot of victims and psychosocial trauma. We would like to express respect and admiration to the resilience of people of Ukraine face to face continuing aggression and suffering. We know that people who already were vulnerable, like the children, elderly and people with a disability or mental illness, are hid hard by the situation. Mental health facilities were destroyed, residents of institutions had to move to the western part of the country. We wish them a lot of strength. We also admire the mental health professionals that are faced with massive support and treatment needs and keep on doing their work as best as they can.

There are already many initiatives to organise and provide psychosocial aid. These are coordinated by the Ukrainian government together with the WHO.


Besides moral support, The CARe Network can offer training opportunities to mental health professionals working in Ukraine and with refugees from Ukraine abroad. In October 2023, our general coordinator Pavel Rican attended the First Mental Health Forum in Kyiv. Under the umbrella of WHO, mobile teams that were introduced since 2016, are offering emergency response services. WHO and the Ukrainian government have launched a roadmap that foresees not only responding to the current war situation, but also envisages to create better mental health services in the future. Currently we are exploring opportunities to offer training in psychosocial support in the framework of the Mental Health for Ukraine project (MH4U).

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