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This book is made available in CARe Book Shop for free download:  It is the thesis of one of our most prominent peer experts in the Netherlands, Wilma Boevink.

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Visit CARe in NL

In December 2016, eight colleagues from Czech NGO Ledovec ( made a visit to The Netherlands to see the different services using CARe methodology. The group was generously guided by Kees van Rest and Dirk den Hollander. On the first day beginning from the morning was dedicated to Self Help Network in Eindhoven.


Then we did some shopping to get some food for lunch and dinner


The place where Kees lives is where we really love, the "hippie atmosphere" of the co-housing project was really amazing for all of us! In the afternoon, we visited Eagle Shelter Centre, a low threshold centre, where everybody is welcomed. It was started two years ago by former peer worker Mario Tapia and former nurse Conny Ariens:


On the second day of the trip, the group visited sheltered living called Beukenhof Rijswijk, which was very inspiring. Last site visit was rather a short stay for the Czech team with the FACT team in the hospital of Nijmegen. This was organised next to an Introductory Course that was led by Dirk and Kees (and Martin) at Ledovec in September of 2016, this visit has brought to us many personal experiences and also to the workers of Ledovec, showing how CARe Methodology could work in many different services' settings.

- Updates from Martin Fojtíček and Photos from Dirk den Hollander



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Czech Republic

At the end of February 2017, there will be 2 days of training for leaders of psychiatric hospitals.

Two groups on each day, Kees and Dirk will participate in Day One. We work together with Jana Pluhaříková Pomajzlová and the other Czech trainers.

We are now preparing the program - News from Dirk den Hollander

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