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Narine Khachatryan, Psychologist
Narine Khachatryan, Psychologist

I am Narine Khachatryan and I am psychologist. Since 2000 I work at Yerevan State University first as a research assistant and then as a lecturer. After getting a PhD I held a position of the Associate Professor. I currently hold a position of the head of the Department of Personality Psychology. My research interests are mainly focused on personality development and socio-cultural changes issues.

In 2015 I develop and implement the practical course on recovery and psycho-social rehabilitation for MA students. I am also involved in works of Recovery College running by the Psychosocial Regulation Center and “Ambra” NGO.

Workshop Speaker

Click to see abstracts: NEW SHOES Summit 2019

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Updated: Sep 16, 2019

Course dates: 15-26 July 2019

10 full scholarships to students from the following countries:



Participants will be granted a full scholarship to cover their course fee, accommodation at Tallinn University International Student Hostel for the period of the course and 125€ for other expenses (e.g. living costs in Tallinn). NB! Doesn’t include travel fees (e.g. plane, bus tickets)!


All applicants from target countries need to pick one of the courses and send a motivation letter (explaining why they would like to participate in the chosen course) and CV by April 30 to


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Joyce Thal-Mols
Joyce Thal-Mols

Joyce Thal-Mols is researcher and lecturer at the Fontys Academy for Applied Sciences, Bachelor ‘Social Work’ and Associate degree ‘Experiential Expertise in Care and Welfare’. Special focus and interests: participatory research, social practice development, social support systems, experiential knowledge and -expertise.

Workshop Speaker at NEW SHOES SUMMIT 2019

Her abstract:

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