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Radmila Stojanovic Babic

Let's welcome Radmila Stojanovic Babic on Board of Advisor of The CARe Network!

Born in 1969. Radmila means 'love to work' and it's my omen as I like working (and the results that follow.

Graduated at the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences in Zagreb (Croatia) as a social educator. Also educated as an integrative psychotherapist.

Left corporate world at the end of 2006 and co-founded the non-profit organization 'Susret' (engl. Encounter). The idea was to support people with mental health problems and provide housing support in Zagreb for deinstitutionalised people and pioneer the change - recovery oriented community-based services, participation and social integration of people with mental health problems. Radmila serves as the president of 'Susret' since 2012.

Works as an expert for community based living for people with mental health problems in Croatia, provides education and workshops. Participated as an expert consultant for mental health in 3-year EU project 'Support to the social welfare system in the process of further DI of social services in Croatia' within relevant Ministry of social welfare.

Guest lecturer at University of Zagreb, Department of Social Work - Faculty of Law, Course ‘Social work and mental health’ and University of Applied Health Sciences in Zagreb, Psychiatry Nursing, Course ‘Care of mental health patients’,

Co-author of chapter ‘Community based living’ published in handbook Rehabilitation in Psychiatry – psycho biosocial approach, ed. Strkalj-Ivezic et all. 2011.

Graduated Tepla3 Train-the-trainer CARe education (2015-17) and joined in Tepla4 CARe training as a coach.


Welcome Pavel as Advisor on The CARe Network Board

Position: Director of Centre for Mental Health Care Development

Pavel Říčan is a sociologist and a lecturer with almost 20 years of experience in community mental health services. Since 2014 he works as a Director of Centre for Mental Health Care Development based in Prague. Pavel is involved in numerous projects and innovative activities in mental health. He likes simple, effective and recovery oriented approaches. In recent years it was especially peer specialist’s involvement in practice, theory and research what occupied his professional life. Since 2013 he is engaged as a consultant for the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of social affairs helping with mental health reforms.


Updated: Oct 25, 2019

[Tartu, Estonia] Estonian CARe trainers and peer supporters met in TARTU.

We met at the Tartu University Institute of Social Studies on a warm and beautiful summer day at the end of August with the aim to inspire and enhance our CARe trainers’ community. During the meeting we shared our successes and challenges. At the same time, we discussed our forthcoming CARe trainings and activities in 2019-2020.

Over the last 14 years, the CARe Methodology Trainings have been organized by the Estonian Psychosocial Rehabilitation Society and also by University of Tartu. More than 400 specialists from different fields have participated and hopefully implemented CARe principles in their everyday work. For example, in 2019, 60 rehabilitation specialists had a 5-days training organized by Astangu Vocational Rehabilitation Center.

In 2017-2018 the training was organized by Tartu University for secure school’s teachers, special pedagogues and support workers. Also, open group trainings have been organized during 2016-2018.

In 2019-2020, 10 CARe methodology training groups will be organized for the case managers of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund. Even more – CARe principles will be integrated step-by-step into case managers' everyday practice!

In addition to larger training projects, CARe training will be provided to teams and service providers as in-house training (e-g., local municipalities, rehabilitation- or special care providers, day care centers, etc). Lots of participants got inspiration and started to recognize their clients' valuable life experiences, strengths and new opportunities, and got support for the teamwork.

CARe methodology trainers and peer supporters with lived experience who participated at the meeting: Anita Kurvits, Triin Vana, Külli Mäe, Karin Hanga, Inge Vallandi, Anna Toots, Riina-Järve Tammiste, Dagmar Narusson and Aster Tooma.

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