The purpose of this course is to empower our members and their organisations to better their digital marketing knowledge and skills. While performing their regular responsibility, to be able to upgrade and develop themselves at the comfort of their own home, e-learning at their own pace and being an effective care worker in 2020. In this post, we share one of our fundraising experience.
Digital Fundraising Experience
In the last quarter of 2018, we started to build a detailed communications plan before we start. From identification to qualification, we set up the key milestones and opportunities to promote our campaign. To that year in May, the plan was to hold an Innovation Summit in the Netherlands. We managed to discuss with the venue partner Nei Skoen, and chosen the 30-31 May for the NEW SHOES Summit CNSS2019.
The next stages of the cycle are cultivation and followed by solicitation. We made it easy to give. Be it via smartphone or tablet users, the tip we want to give to nonprofit organisers when you're planning this step is to make sure that users are not required to fill in long forms or give away lots of details in order to support and buy an event ticket.

We made sure our fundraising page is linked to the payment system (in this case the foundation's bank and PayPal account). Donors also have a simple journey to make their donations. Our site is always mobile enabled and the web site is always loading properly.
For each donation ticket, we made it clear that they are buying the entrance to an event, what will be provided at the event (food, snacks, refreshment, lunch, transportation from hotel/accommodation point to event venue), who are the keynote speakers (speakers' bio), the event theme and contents, the workshops and a clear guide with local map in English on how they can get there. We also make sure people know how they can book an accommodation without a big hassle and how they can reach us on any transportation strike or unforeseen rearrangements if required.

It is important that you tell people what their donation will buy. For example, €150 will a peer support worker a ticket to join the summit and workshop events. We offer fixed donation amounts as this makes it easy for people, and also include an 'other amount' option.
One thing that we recommend is that you should publicise your progress using a donation tracker.

This visualization is important to encourage people to help you reach the end. We use Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, a little bit of Youtube and Pinterest (social media) to create a community around our campaign.
Always give your supporters messages that are easy to share. We use tweets, short videos, or stories that can be added (at that time, we didn't really use newsletter or print media). We wrote personalised emails to reach donors and foundations in our community to support our cause. We consistently keep our community up to date with our progress to maintain enthusiasm.
Blogging is also a way to help to build a community. We express our gratitude with 'Thank you' notes to all of our supporters - throughout the process and when we reach our target. This is part of our stewardship in part of the cycle.
If you are planning a fundraising campaign for your nonprofit foundation, we encourage you to join the Nonprofit Social Media e-Course to learn especially these useful implementation modules from persona, content craft and inspiring ideas for nonprofit content on top of monitoring and analysis of your campaign on various social media channels.

If you are already a Certified CARe Trainer, you are welcome to access these supplements:
Otherwise, please sign up with a password to gain access to our Online Resources for members of the CARe Network.
This is a stigma free meeting place where everybody is welcome.
Nei Skoen uses the CARe Approach.
Location: Helmond, The Netherlands
Nei Skoen (Helmond, the Netherlands) is a Recovery Learning Community.
What does this mean?
A Recovery Learning Community has 2 aspects:
It is a sanctuary. This means everybody is welcome, no one is excluded. When you enter Nei Skoen the only thing you need to give is your first name. Everything else is left behind on the coat rack (see the picture). There are no house rules, there are traditions which explain how we interact with each other and with the environment. See below.
It is a learning community: a place where everybody can work with his passion, no matter what it is. Everything that happens in Nei Skoen can be used to learn from. When we get visitors, participants will always be involved because this will bring new experiences.
And of course, there are Training Programs like Recovery Do It yourself, and How to tell my Recovery Story. And participants can learn how to do administration, work with the website, clean the place, paint, make music etc. etch. We never say no: if a participant wants to do something, we go for it. For instance, if someone plays guitar and wants to make a record we go and make a record.
Nei Skoen is based on two pillars”
Self-help principles and the traditions that go with them
The CARe approach: a recovery and strengths-oriented methodology to support people in their recovery process
Some basic Nei Skoen principles:
Everybody is welcome. Not only people with vulnerabilities but also the neighbors, our family, children and grandchildren and everybody who wants to participate. Zero exclusion.
Everything is for free: meals, coffee, materials to work with and lessons
Anonymity is a core principle. Nei Skoen only wants to know your first name. And no information will ever be shared with others.
Autonomy: Nei Skoen is completely autonomous. If we get funds (for instance from the municipality) we don’t sell our principles
We are of equal value. Regardless of titles, diagnoses and other labels
NEI SKOEN Traditions
The traditions of Nei Skoen are based on the self-help traditions, and applied to Nei Skoen as a Community for learning and development and recovery:
1. Our wellbeing comes first: Personal Recovery and development can only thrive in a safe and pleasant environment where you know there are people to support you
2. The Nei Skoen Recovery Learning Community has one goal: create a sanctuary / free space where people can be who they want to be and work on their passion
3. The only thing that is needed to be a participant of Nei Skoen is the desire to work with your passion and the willingness to use your possibilities to help others
4. Nei Skoen has no leaders. Our ‘leaders’ work based on trust that participants put in them and they do not govern.
5. Nei Skoen is completely autonomous and the same goes for the self-help groups we host: they are their own boss.
6. The Recovery Learning Community does not finance other facilities; problems with money or property will not keep us from working on our main goals
7. The Recovery Learning Community is completely self-supporting.. During activities a 7 tradition jar is presented and everyone can contribute to their possibilities
8. The self-help principles will always come first in the Recovery Learning Community. It will stay completely ‘non professional’, although the possibility exist of creating paid jobs
9. Nei Skoen does not engage in public debates outside Nei Skoen so we will not get involved in public division
10. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions; this will remind us of putting traditions above personalities

Wondering what is the recipe for NoBigDrama Peer Support Stage 1st birthday cake?
Take stories and own experience, add courage, plenty of mutual respect and some traditions.
Oh yes, and don't forget lots of hope and joy, those are essential.
Mix, bake, enjoy & share.
Our team at The CARe Network would like to send our congrats and greetings to NoBigDrama Juraj Marendiak for the 1st Anniversary! #peersupport #thecarenetwork #inclusion