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Mental Health Europes’ Reaction to the 2020 State of the European Union

Mental Health Europe, September 2020 

On 16 September 2020, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, gave the speech on the state of the European Union (EU). It was a highly anticipated speech not only because it was the President’s first State of the Union, but also because it comes at a time when the EU and its Member States are still in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. A part of the reaction of MHE: “While appreciating the ambitious words on health and discrimination, it is still surprising that neither mental health nor disability (at least as a ground of discrimination) were topics included in the 2020 State of the EU. Mental Health Europe (MHE) calls for the European Commission to go beyond what was pledged in the speech and take comprehensive actions to reaffirm its commitment to mental health and disability.”  Read more in their full statement.


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