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WHO Materials, Tools and Implementation Portal

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

We would like to share the key WHO materials, tools and a country implementation portal as part of the WHO QualityRights programme.

These aim to transform mental health and social care systems and services towards a person-centered, recovery-oriented and human rights-based approach in line with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – this is the vision called for by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization – in the Foreword to the QualityRights materials.

As part of the QualityRights Initiative, WHO has developed a comprehensive package of training and guidance materials. The materials can be used to build capacity among mental health practitioners, people with psychosocial, intellectual and cognitive disabilities, people using mental health services, families, care partners and other supporters, nongovernmental organizations, organizations of persons with disabilities and others on how to implement a human rights and recovery approach in the area of mental health in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and other international human rights standards.

The ultimate goal of WHO’s QualityRights is to change mindsets and practices in a sustainable way and empower all stakeholders to promote rights and recovery in order to improve the lives of people with psychosocial, intellectual or cognitive disabilities everywhere.


Human rights. WHO QualityRights Core training - for all services and all people Course guide - Course slides

Mental health, disability and human rights. WHO QualityRights Core training - for all services and all people - Course guide - Course slides

Legal capacity and the right to decide. WHO QualityRights Core training: mental health and social services - Course guide - Course slides

Recovery and the right to health. WHO QualityRights Core training: mental health and social services - Course guide - Course slides

Freedom from coercion, violence and abuse. WHO QualityRights Core training: mental health and social services - Course guide - Course slides


Recovery practices for mental health and well-being. WHO QualityRights Specialized training - Course guide - Course slides

Strategies to end seclusion and restraint. WHO QualityRights Specialized training - Course guide - Course slides

Supported decision-making and advance planning. WHO QualityRights Specialized training - Course guide - Course slides


Peer support groups by and for people with lived experience. WHO QualityRights guidance module - Guidance module - Module slides

One-to-one peer support by and for people with lived experience. WHO QualityRights guidance module - Guidance module - Module slides

Advocacy for mental health, disability and human rights. WHO QualityRights guidance module - Guidance module - Module slides

Civil society organizations to promote human rights in mental health and related areas. WHO QualityRights guidance module - Guidance module - Module slides

SERVICE TRANSFORMATION QualityRights Assessment toolkit - Toolkit

Transforming services and promoting human rights. WHO QualityRights training and guidance: mental health and social services - Course guide - Course slides


Person-centred recovery planning for mental health and well-being self-help tool. WHO QualityRights - Self-help tool

QualityRights self-help recovery tool for mental health and well-being


REFERENCE NUMBERS ISBN: 978-92-4-151682-2


QualityRights country implementation portal -

WHO’s Feature story on WHO QualityRights -

Video: QualityRights in Lebanon – a personal perspective -

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