Webinar “Mental health in the aftermath of COVID-19”

Webinar “Mental health in the aftermath of COVID-19”
Thursday, 30 April 2020 14:30-15:30 CET
The COVID-19 pandemic and national responses to it have created significant challenges for people with psychosocial disabilities and the general public. Current measures introduced across Europe cause serious restrictions on our daily functioning, work, and access to health services. These restrictions are very likely to bring along long-term socio-economic consequences, which have a key impact on our mental health. Some areas will have a particular role to play in the further prevention of mental ill-health, such as employment, access to community-based services, and many others.
The webinar aims to anticipate the main risks and start formulating possible solutions.
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In this webinar, invited speakers will present their observations, identified challenges and ideas for tackling them in the recovery from the crisis.
Welcome and introduction – Claudia Marinetti, Mental Health Europe
Psychosocial risk and protective factors in the context of COVID-19 outbreak and response – Dan Chisholm, World Health Organisation Europe
Access to community mental health services – how COVID19 is shaping our approach – Steve Appleton, Centre for Mental Health, UK
Main challenges in the area of employment post-COVID-19 – Stephen Bevan, Institute for Employment Studies, UK
Reaction from the European Commission – DG Sante (TBC)
Interventions form the audience
Closing remarks – Claudia Marinetti, Mental Health Europe
Dan Chisholm is Programme Manager for Mental Health at the WHO Regional Office for Europe (based in Copenhagen, Denmark). He works with WHO Member States and other partners to develop and implement national mental health policies and plans, as well as provide guidance, tools and advocacy for the promotion of mental health and the development of prevention, treatment and recovery services across the life-course. He was formerly a Health Systems Adviser in the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse at WHO Headquarters Office in Geneva, Switzerland.
Steve Appleton is the European Lead for the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership and co-ordinates their work in the UK while working closely with colleagues in Europe, the USA, Canada and Australasia. As part of this role Steve co-facilitates the work of the I-CIRCLE collaborative which brings together cities from around the world on work related to population mental health improvement and prevention
For enquiries about registration or participation, please contact Marcin Rodzinka, Advocacy and Policy Officer at Mental Health Europe, marcin.rodzinka@mhe-sme.org.