The Platform CARe ČR in The Czech Republic
Information about Current Activities in:
The Centre for Mental Health Care Development
The Project "Support of transformation process of care for people with mental disorders and people with learning difficulties in Moldova "
The project "Support of transformation process of care for people with mental disorders and people with learning difficulties in Moldova " (2015-2018) has brought a significant change in the life situation of people with mental illness, accelerated and positively influenced the process of transformation of care for people with mental health problems.
During the project each of the residential care institutions for adult clients, with the support of Czech experts, developed the Transformation action plan for the entire “deinstitutionalization” process.
Staff of existing institutions adopt the idea of changing the attitude towards people with mental health issues, finding ways how to individualize the care, how to give more competences to clients and to support their recovery.
As a result of the start of the transformation of CARe, 9 sheltered housing was established (from different resources and also beyond the project), each for about 6 clients of residential institutions.
Currently, support for sheltered housing staff is provided through coaching and supervision, support for clients through social inclusion methods and placement in the labour market also with the support of Czech experts.
The project also aims to work with the public, especially in the regions where sheltered housings are built. The main effort is to eliminate stigmatization of the people with disability with the support of our partner, The People in Need.
Protected housing created during the project has enabled clients, who have lived long periods in poor conditions of the institution, to a better quality and dignified life.
Updates by: Ing. Markéta Hulmáková,
The Centre for Mental Health Care Development, 25.11.2018