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CARe Model - Supporting Recovery and Inclusion

Updated: Oct 25, 2019

This book describes the principles and methodology of the care model. This eclectic approach offers professionals working with people with a mental health or addiction problem, or persons with other social disadvantages, effective ways of support. The CARe model is meant to support people in their personal development. It is based on principles of psychosocial rehabilitation, recovery and empowerment. The book contains a lot of practical examples. It can be used by professionals in the field, and for the education of present and future professionals. The CARe model is an evidence-based approach used by thousands of professionals world-wide.

[ESTONIAN] Estonian edition of a book describing the CARe model of Psychosocial Rehabilitation

Kuidas klientidest saavad kodanikud. 

Taastumise ja kaasatuse toetamine CARe metoodika abil.


The book Supporting Recovery and Inclusion has also been translated into Russian language


The book Supporting Recovery and Inclusion has also been translated into Czech language

CARe Book in Czech language
CARe Book in Czech language

Hollander, D.; Wilken, J. P.: Podpora zotavení a začleňování. Úvod do metodiky CARe. Psychiatrická nemocnice Bohnice, 2016. ISBN 978-80-260-9945-1

  The CARe book in Czech language was published by Psychiatric Hospital Bohnice in Prague

Information about this book can be found on CMHCD's website here:

As a publication in the framework of a national project, this CARe book can be ordered through CMHCD and be given for free.

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