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Research: Remand Prisoners’ Perceptions of Recovery in Closed Settings

Updated: Sep 15, 2019


Brigitta finished her master studies in 2019. The topic of her master theses is recovery and forensic care. Brigitta’s research is published in:

Õunmaa, B., Narusson, D. (2019). Remand Prisoners’ Perceptions of Recovery in Closed Settings. Journal of Recovery in Mental Health, 2(2-3), 5-20.

The purpose of the research was to explore the reflections of remand prisoners’ experiences and needs of emotional and psychological coping with imprisonment in the context of personal recovery. Research showed that negative relationships and perceived power difference with staff lead to tensions and creates and confirms identity “me as a criminal”. There is a need to promote more recovery-oriented communication with staff.  Meaningful activities for remand prisoners would help to create better self-image and more hope for future and their return to society.


Brigitta has studied social work in bachelor, and service design in her master studies. She has been working as a support worker for people with mental health difficulties. Currently, she is working as a social field specialist in prison and carries on the personal recovery approach. Her earlier study focused on stigmatisation and self-stigmatisation of individuals with mental health difficulties.

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