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Recovery Conference Vilnius


Inspiring conference on recovery and psychosocial rehabilitation in Vilnius

On the 10th and 11th of May, an inspiring conference on recovery and psychosocial rehabilitation was organised by the rehabilitation centre Rastis of Vilnius City Mental Health Centre, Lithuania. The rehabilitation centre is an active member of the CARe Network. Around 75 people from all over Lithuania were participating. The conference was chaired by Jan Hilbig, psychiatrist connected to the rehabilitation department and CARe ambassadors in Lithuania.

On Thursday 10th, the conference was opened by dr. Martynas Marcinkevičius director of Vilnius City Mental Health Centre and Igoris Baikovskis on behalf of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania. Prof. Arūnas Germanavičius described the history of psychosocial rehabilitation in Lithuania and pictured future perspectives. Prof. Germanavičius was one of the initiators of the Rehabilitation Centre which was established almost 15 years ago with the support of Global Initiative on Psychiatry and CARe Europe (at the time Storm Rehabilitation). Prof. Jean Pierre Wilken from the Netherlands outlined in his presentation the concept of recovery and the principles of recovery supportive care. Rūta Lukošaitytė Všį, one of the rehabilitation pioneers in Lithuania, together with Arūnas Germanavičius and Daiva Kalantienė, and the current director of the centre, described how the CARe model is applied in the centre.

​The first day was concluded by a workshop guided by Triin Vana from Estonia, head trainer in the CARe model. She described the basic elements of the CARe Model and let the participants experience in a lively manner what strengths-based work really means.

The second day, Friday May 11th, continued with a number of interesting presentations. Ramunė Mazaliauskienė, psychiatrist and psychotherapist addressed the role of the family in psychosocial rehabilitation, followed by an impressive personal story of Eglė Mikalajūnė, who has been a client of the rehabilitation centre and is currently working as a peer worker. Being artist, she illustrated the presentation with her own drawings depicting her recovery story. She emphasized the importance of personal support and having the freedom of working on recovery at her own pace, so not being pushed by staff or standardised programmes.


The last presentation in the morning was delivered by Karilė Levickaitė, psychologist and director of “Mental Health Perspectives”. She addressed the human rights perspective in mental health.

After the coffee break, there were a number of workshops. Mantvilė Grybauskaitė and Tadeuš Polionis occupational therapists and case managers guided a workshop on “Case Management in Vilnius City Mental Health Centre Practice”. Both are currently following the Tepla 4 CARe international training. Jan Hilbig, psychiatrist-psychotherapist conducted a workshop on “Motivational Interviewing”. Jean Pierre Wilken and Triin Vana made participants more familiar with the methodical steps and tools of the CARe Approach.

After the lunch break, the conference continued with another round of workshops. Agnė Railė and Miglė Marcinkevičiūtė, psychologists, explained the principles of Integrated Psychological Therapy in psychosocial rehabilitation. Triin Vana showed how strength-based coaching is used in the CARe approach as a powerful method of implementing the model.

- Updates from Jean Pierre Wilken

Jan Hilbig

Rūta Lukošaitytė

Daiva Kalantienė

Mantvilė Grybauskaitė

Tadeuš Polionis

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