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New Horizons in Mental Health Care: Strengthening mental health services by peer-expertise

INVITATION [All CARe Network Members]

The EURECO partners would like to invite you to participate in an online event about the importance of peer expertise in mental health services design.

Title: "New Horizons in Mental Health Care: Strengthening mental health services by peer-expertise and digitalization"

When? Thursday, 26th of November 2020 from 14:00 to 17:00 CEST. Where? Online. Registration link:

About the event

In inclusive research, knowledge is developed and shared by people with and without experiential expertise. But involving peer experts as participants in research projects, policy and implementation still doesn’t come naturally. Why is peer expertise so important? And how can peer expertise be implemented in services? During our online event, we will exchange ideas on these and other topics. In addition, several international speakers will talk about the importance of peer expertise in mental health services design, implementation and evaluation and how it could be put in practice.


14.00 – 14.15    Welcome address

14.15 – 14.40    Keynote address: What is peer expertise and why is it important to integrate this in services?

14.40 – 15.00    Poetry break

15.00 – 16.00    Breakout discussion 1: How do we implement peer expertise in services?

Breakout discussion 2: Has implementing peer expertise proved to be effective? What are points for action in research and practice?

Breakout discussion 3: How can digital technology support ongoing processes?

16.00 – 16.15     Poetry break

16.15 – 17.00    Wrap-up and conclusions

The speakers of the event will be announced shortly.

For any question related to the organisation of the event, please contact Veroni van Es at

EASPD - Improving services, improving lives!

Tel: +32 2 233 7720 | VAT Number: BE04 7807 8455

DOWNLOAD PDF: Program, Organiser and more information

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