Julie Repper, UK
Julie Repper is head of Recovery of Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust in the U.K., Associate Professor of Recovery at the University of Nottingham and Senior Consultant at the ImROC programme. She is the author of many books, including: Social Inclusion and Recovery: A Model for Mental Health Practice. She was involved in the development of one of the first Recovery Colleges in the U.K.
Julie is Recovery Lead at Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust and Associate Professor of Recovery at University of Nottingham. She draws on her experience of working as a nurse, manager, researcher and lecturer, as well as her personal experience of using services, to support greater understanding of Recovery. She works across service boundaries with people who use services, providers, commissioners and academic institutions to support collaborative approaches in facilitating Recovery.
Julie has written widely and is co-editor of the Journal of Mental Health and Social Inclusion. She leads a Recovery Research work stream at the Institute of Mental Health and continues to undertake research and supervise research students through her work in the University.