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Invitation ART conference Domov na ceste

Domov na cestě in cooperation with our colleagues from Amsterdam UMC, GGZ inGeest and The Centre for Mental Health Care Development invite you for an Online “Round Table” Conference:


development and practice experiences with ART Model as a framework for recovery oriented mental health care in a setting where people receive intensive psychiatric treatment in The Netherlands and experiences with implementation of recovery oriented care in long-term living facilities in The Czech Republic.

Tuesday 8. December 2020 from 9,00h to 12,30h CET


  1. How we have found ourselves - transformation from the institutional care to the service supporting recovery (Domov Na cestě)

  2. ART Model – collaborative development of a new care model for long-term mental health settings in order to foster recovery of service users and improve the quality of care within long-term facilities. (Amsterdam UMC)

  3. ART in practice – experiences of ART team in a work with the ART model, cooperation with other stakeholders in the system of care, challenges and success stories regarding the implementation of ART (GGZ inGeest)

  4. How to support recovery through involvement of peer workers and peer family workers in the psychiatric hospitals - experiences with ongoing projects in The Czech Republic (Mgr. Pavel Říčan, CMHCD)

  5. ART research – presentation of the large research outcomes of the ART model in practice realised with 20 mental health care organizations throughout the Netherlands, presentation of the instrument to measure the degree of compliance with ART and further development and research directions (Amsterdam UMC)

Conference will be held in English and Czech with simultaneous translation. The conference will be divided in two 90 minutes blocks with presentations and discussion groups.

Please register in advance on email, the amount of participants is limited. We will send you further information about the conference program and link to the Zoom conference event.

Please feel free to share this invitation to your colleagues and others, who might be interested. All are very welcome!



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