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During this turbulent times

Dear CARe Network members,

We hope this post finds you well during these turbulent times. 

With Jodee, we are working on our new e-learning featured for the CARe trainings and we realized that there are many technical opportunities offered by the new platform we are using replacing Eliademy. 

This functions are 

  • online consultation opportunities in 1-to-1 sessions or for groups.

  • complete online booking system with calendars for online consultation

  • short training course opportunities

  • setting different languages for the consultation option.

  • these options can be set both as paid services (clients pay for the consultation) or free of charge.

We would like to explore if any of you might be interested in a service like this supporting your work, the CARe Network is ready to set it up for you. You can use it not only for CARe related activities. It is possible to use it with your clients, project partners an anyone that you want to keep in touch with during social distancing.

Please let us know if you are interested in a service like this by answering via email at

Best regards

Zsolt and Jodee



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