DAGMAR NARUSSON: Personal-recovery and agency-enhancing client work
DAGMAR NARUSSON: Personal-recovery and agency-enhancing client work in the field of mental health and social rehabilitation: Perspectives of persons with lived experience and specialists
STUDY I: Narusson, D. (2013). The Disabled persons and rehabilitation specialists dialogue within the rehabilitation assessment and planning process: Analysis based on assessment case reports. Journal of Social Policy and Social Work in Transition, 2, 10–30, DOI:10.1921/5304030202.
STUDY II: Narusson, D. & Wilken, J.P. (2019). Recovery-oriented support work: the perspective of people with lived experience. Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice.
STUDY III: Narusson, D. & Wilken, J.P. (2018). Recovery in the Community: Relational and Cultural Sensitivity. Journal of Recovery in Mental Health, 2 (1): Recovery in the Community, 68–81. https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/rmh/article/view/31915.
PhD Research URL: https://dspace.ut.ee/bitstream/handle/10062/65258/narusson_dagmar.pdf