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CARe Methodology


It’s all about working in partnership: supporting recovery and the CARe approach.


The concept of recovery is more and more becoming the leading idea when we think about treatment and counselling programs for clients with (severe) mental and addiction problems and other handicaps. It’s our aim to become supportive to the client in his journey of life: his recovery process. And so recovery is becoming more and more a standard for quality of care and a standard for outcome measures of our efforts. Likewise ’the rehabilitation approaches’ like the CARe approach have developed towards concepts that are aimed to support the client in his recovery- and development processes. Recovery is the client’s process; rehabilitation is what workers (counsellors, nurses, treatment professional etc) do.


The CARe approach is developed in Holland since the eighty’s. CARe means: Comprehensive Approach in Rehabilitation. Its mission was compressive: quality of life and equal rights for everybody, also for the most vulnerable clients. And in the American approaches we could not find the same commitment with the most impaired and handicapped clients, often with the most severe pathology. There is no exclusion in CARe and no concept of readiness: it was developed to work with all clients, regardless of their problems and the severity of it. So over the years a comprehensive toolkit was developed for all kinds of clients, settings and situations.

Developing is an ongoing process so about 2005 the CARe approach became very comprehensive and a need for clarification emerged on a basic level: what is it really about, what is the core of CARe in its different kind of working in different situations with all kinds of clients in all kinds of settings?

New inspirations for this clarification were found in two sources: The ‘Presence Approach’ (Andries Baart) which provides a basic attitude for CARe: partnership, working together in an equal relation, being there as a human being without judgment

The Strengths Model, developed in Kansas brought inspiration on how to simplify methodology and make it more strengths based / powerful. So in the CARe methodology became a pleasant method of working-together, effective and not little paperwork

In the CARE methodology we work nowadays with the evidence based interventions of the Strengths Model. And in addition we still have the comprehensive toolkit if needed.

The core orientations of CARe model can be described as: presence-, strengths- and recovery oriented.

New directions in care

A recovery oriented / supportive method for the working can be considered as a specification of jobs: nurse, counsellor, treatment professional etc. Not everybody works with the methodology but everybody works with the principles. The Care approach consists of a recovery oriented concept which provides a recovery oriented vision and theory and associated methodology. All is based on what we know from people with lived experience and recent research on what they consider to be important in recovery.


Working with the CARe approach means: discovering strengths like passionate wishes, talents, skills, core qualities, all kinds of support (also professional), and last but not least: the lived experience. The Personal Profile is used for this strengths assessment, and in these strengths we find the options to work together on life goals. These options are noted in a 'to do list' for activities and task. The first activities are the most important. This way of working is only possible when there is an equal Relationship.

Peer workers

Working together with peer workers is becoming more and more important. We work together with (certified) peer workers on different levels and in different situations. In the basic training peer workers play an important part in the issue of recovery. But we see a growing range of activities in which we try and work towards real partnership: our new challenge


Rehabilitation and Recovery; A comprehensive approach; Jean Pierre Wilken and Dirk den Hollander; available as an E-book in iTunes: Care; A contribution to a theory and practice of good care; SWP Publishers (2010);

Dirk den Hollander

Dirk den Hollander, is nurse and a social pedagogue, head of Training, Education and Implementation in the CARe and Strengths Model of RINO Group Utrecht.

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