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ACT and F-ACT teams in The Netherlands

In the Netherlands there is much shifting and there is a lot of

scrolling. Cuts change control. There is also a changing vision on care. Not the disease model, but the model of disability with more attention to its own power of citizens is guiding. The trend of government was first: we will arrange it for you. And now it's: What can you do and what can the environment do.

The commune has much more as before now the responsibility for parts of the care. Think about care for young people.

Beds will be phased out in the clinic, and more and more is the emphasis on treatment in the district and neighbourhood. Think of ACT and F-ACT teams.

Intramural care is focused on short-term and outpatient clients

can no longer take part in activating programs. Furthermore, the teams evolve toward self-managing teams. Aid workers must still

register more. This takes a lot of their time and people are not happy with that.

There is from the community and government attention and guidance to encourage clients towards paid work, voluntary work and/or training. Think at IPS, Individual placement and support, which is now fully deployed from the mental health care.

There are also social developments toward Recovery Colleges. People are more and more interested in this method in the Netherlands. The government has extra money put aside even for study. For people with a distance to the labor market, including mental health patients.

If you have questions, please ask because this is a very short view but its a start.

- Updates from Els Makaay

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