Certified Practitioner CARe Model online training
Recovery in practice
" I can say that this training was the most personal training that I have ever been a part of , I learned a lot about myself, I became more confident about my way of working with people. The most precious thing that I gained from this training are the tools that we learned to use. They are just priceless. Now whenever I work with a client I'm thinking about CUES principles and trying to use them all"
- Monika
"I feel very grateful for this experience, because I met wonderful people who are doing their best to make the “recovery world” a better and much safer place. And I am sure that with the knowledge I gained in this course; i will be one of those professional workers too."
- Patricia
"I can also spot my own personal niche, I know where to find the strength for recovery. Maybe I'm no longer in a hurry to come up with solutions for the client myself, but I find out what they want before I do. I feel more confident and I dare to speak up more."
- Kadi
Online Training "Recovery in practice" is in progress.
Email us for more information.

"Recovery in practice" - Certified practitioner CARe Model
CPCM has concluded for 2023. Please follow this website and our social media for announcements for trainings in 2024 and 2025!
Overview and general concept
"Recovery in practice" - Certified practitioner CARe Model (CPCM) provides essential knowledge and skills to become a certified CARe practitioner and allows the use of the approach in daily practice. It aims to empower professionals, teams, and communities in the field of mental health to enhance their abilities in providing relational recovery-oriented care and support.
Training will take place during period of 7 months and will be held from June 2023 - December 2023.
The CARe model is an approach and methodology oriented to support persons in vulnerable situations (due to psychiatric conditions, addiction, homelessness, poverty, and marginalisation) in their recovery process. The CARe Model is aimed to increase quality of life, self-reliance and community participation.
CARe is an acronym for Comprehensive Approach to psychosocial Rehabilitation and in latest developments was elaborated to Supportive Relational Approach. It was developed over the last 35 years by Jean-Pierre Wilken and Dirk den Hollander from the Netherlands and is used now in more than 15 countries.
Though its core essence (supporting people in achieving their desired level of quality of life) has remained unchanged over the years, the methodology has evolved over time under the influence of new scientific understanding, social movements and especially in accordance with experiential knowledge. It gives perspective and approach to the practice, but also useful working methods and tools which can be used to support joint unique recovery journey on the individual, team, and organizational level.
CARe is used widespread in different kinds of services e.g., in assisted living facilities, in mental health care hospitals and community care, in services of social care, in ACT and FACT teams, in supported housing, in youth care, forensic care, and in addiction care. It is also used in supporting clients with an intellectual disability and clients with an autism spectrum disorder.
"Recovery in practice" training is international and is aimed to connect participants from different countries. We have very good experiences with training across Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Armenia, Albania etc. The trainer’s team is international composed of experienced professionals working in a range of positions in mental health care. As we highlight recovery and peer work as important principles, experts by experience are an integral part of our team and we embrace the co-production of the training together.
The training will be held online in English. To ensure good quality of the training, we combine different forms of learning and practice: face-to face online meetings, e-learning modules, home tasks and assignments, participant’s online group meetings, coaching and individual supervision.
The training requires a strong engagement of participants. It is meant to help participants to use CARe directly in their practice, as we believe “learning by doing” is the best way to gain deep understanding, knowledge, skills, and personal experience. Because of that the training is spread in 7 months to give the participants needed support and time to experience CARe in practice and learn during the training process. To benefit from the Training, participant’s ability to dedicate at least 10 hours per month is highly recommended.
This training program supports participants (experts by experience and experts by education) to become innovators, to explore beyond well-known terrain to work together and support the change in their team, organization, or environment.
The training also opens the possibility to become a member of The CARe network as an empowering resource of mutual support and experiences to help persons to continue in personal and professional development and become a changing agent in your environment.
The program focuses:
General principles of CARe approach, theory and working methods of the Model CARe.
Using Model CARe in daily practice in different types of services and contexts together with specific applications with persons that need specific support.
Using Model CARe as support for development in the team and organization towards recovery oriented, relational care, which emphasize personal experience.
Support on deinstitutionalization (DI) process, development of recovery oriented, community-based services (experiences, different good examples, and practices)
The program consists of contact hours and of the following parts:
E-learning, practical assignments and online training.
As an extension there is:
group coaching as a specific strength-based method supporting professional growth
participant’s working groups to gain practical experience and support each other in learning process
individual supervision and support from the coach/trainer during the training
Module 1
Basic Model CARe principles, presence approach, strength based work and recovery, Connecting (9th of June 2023 13.00 - 16.00 CET)
Module 2
Group coaching, using CUES principles and working with Personal profile (13th of June 2023 14.00 - 17.00 CET)
Module 3
Methodical phases, dimensions and domains of CARe, bond of equivalence and building relationship, Personal profile and working with wishes, preferences and setting personal goals, Understanding and Ensuring (23rd of June 2023 13.00 - 16.00 CET)
Module 4
Recovery language, personal experience with mental health issues and importance of peer work and co-production, support of recovery through the work with Personal plans of recovery, using CUES principles. (7th of July 2023 13.00 - 16.00 CET)
Group meeting
Reflection on assignments, mutual support and exchange of experiences (1st of September 2023 14.00 - 16.00 CET)
Module 5
Strenghts and vulnerability, relapse prevention and Early Warning Signs plan, overcoming trauma, grieving, promoting coping strategies, Ensuring and Strengthening (8th of September 2023 13.00 - 16.00 CET)
Module 6
Methodical steps, resources and instruments in working with the environment, social support and community support system, developing of healing and recovery supportive environment peer principles and peer work. (22nd of September 2023 13.00 - 16.00 CET)
Group meeting
Group coaching practice skills training (13th of October 2023 13.00 - 16.00 CET)
Module 7
Recovery oriented care, profile of CARe practitioner and key ingredients of Model CARe, implementation of Model CARe and recovery oriented (10th of November 2023 13.00 - 16.00 CET)
Group meeting
Reflection on assignments, mutual support and exchange of the experiences (24th of November 2023 14.00 - 16.00 CET)
Module 8
Celebration of the gained knowledge and experiences, final questions, learning from each other, closing of the training (8th of December 2023 13.00 - 16.00 CET)
Past program participants recomendations
By following this Certified practitioner Model CARe training, you will acquire the following competences.
1. Knowledge about the background, fundamental principles, and objectives of the Model CARe. Internalizing the fundamental principles.
2. Knowledge and skills presenting an outline of the CARe way of working. It sets out how to build the relationship systematically, exchange information, setting goals, making plans, implementing and evaluating CARe. The training is acquired to gain the ability to understand and use CUES principles in practice.
3. Knowledge and skills for building co-production and equality in relationships. Model CARe as relational approach stands on presence, genuine interests to persons life’s, involving trust and willingness to make an effort as the cornerstone of CARe.
4. Knowledge and skills about aspects of vulnerability associated with mental disorders and how people can deal with these as best they can to recover.
5. Knowledge and skills to work with the client's environment and the community. It also concerns the client's social networks and community support systems and developments of the welcoming, learning environments supporting recovery.
6. Knowledge and skills about strength-based coaching to be able to use this method in the practice.
7. Knowledge about the transformation towards community and recovery-based services, quality assurance and support of implementation of the Model CARe in practice.
8. Knowledge and personal experience of peer work and peer principles, co-production, mutual support, working with personal experience and acknowledgement of importance of experiential knowledge.
After successful completion of this program, you will receive an official certificate of The CARe Network Academy. It allows you to use Model CARe in daily practice, use the approach and maintain quality standards.
There are no hidden costs for using the approach or tools of Model CARe in the practice. We aim to spread the approach without further barriers. It is allowed to share the knowledge and experience within the team to promote good quality of care while respecting authors rights and copyrights. As Model CARe is an evidence-based model supporting recovery it is recommended to keep fidelity to Model CARe as a comprehensive approach on individual, team and organizational level.
We can provide you with the description of the training to gain credits for education in accordance with your country's propositions.
To be entitled to the certificate, you are required to:
* Completing 100% the e-learning program
* Completing all assignments required (assumes also trying the Model CARe in practice during the training)
* Attendance of at least 90% of online modules
* Active participation in own learning process, which includes 2 individual supervisions as a part of the support in the training
* Attendance and active participation in group works meetings
* Final assignment: description of your personal learning process and how CARe model were applied in your practice
* English B2 level is recommended
Full price payment 700 euro / Payments separated to two payments 350 euro each
As usual, we are open to providing scholarships to those for who the financial contribution would make a barrier. For more info about scholarship options feel free to contact the CARe Network coordinator Pavel Říčan (rican@cmhcd.cz).
E-learning is an important part of the learning process and will be held on the Google Classroom platform. Each participant will have access to all learning materials necessary to gain needed information and accomplish assignments successfully. You will receive all information needed for using Google Classroom prior to training.
There will be E-learning materials to explore and assignments to be done in between online Modules. You are invited to actively engage at your own pace, support each other in the learning process and prepare for the topics in our meetings.
For several assignments you will receive feedback from your coach. Some assignments will be shared or created together with the colleagues in the training, and some discussed together during our joint meetings in the training.
To support our model of “learning by doing” the assignments are based on your own personal and professional experience, support translation theory to practice and give the trainers the impression on your learning process.
Through the whole learning process, you will be supported by the coach/trainer. During the program you will have the possibility to have individual supervision with your coach in accordance with your need and learning process.
As the online platform we will use Zoom. You will receive the link for each online meeting by email before each Module meeting. Usually, it works without any problems, but the quality check of the audio and video connection is welcome before the meeting. You will receive the information about using Zoom before the training starts and we give you technical support if needed.
Trainer's team
The trainer's team is acquired from the CARe trainers from different countries with broad experiences and expertise. Our aim is to connect people from different fields and professions which share CARe principles and approach and promote recovery-oriented care and peer work. There is a core trainers’ team of the CPCM online training which cooperate with larger Model CARe trainers and experts by experience network (see www.thecare-network.com).
In each online meeting you will meet 2-3 trainers as expert by the topic, which will help you to explore the topic and support the learning process. During the training you will gradually meet all trainers. Those are also available as coaches and supervisors of the participants in the CPCM training.
CARe Academy trainers team:
You can still join us on Facebook or LinkedIn and receive news.
The CARe Academy webinars and training program 2023 will be published soon.